Rent Easy, Simple & Smart - HomeAway & BeeRent: educative workshop for property managers and private owners

Jelena Tucić
Rent Easy, Simple & Smart - HomeAway & BeeRent: educative workshop for property managers and private owners

We are proud to announce long-awaited seminars that the BeeRent channel manager has organized in cooperation with the Expedia group - the HomeAway portal.

As we all know, HomeAway is one of the leading worldwide sales channels that brings up to 75.000.000 visits per month, is available in 190 countries, and also offers a simple, easy and quick management of accommodation facilities -  it's easy to see why we are so excited to host this great event!

Once again, we are teaming up with the representatives of HomeAway to bring you interesting and very educative workshops

Many of our Dalmatian clients have expressed the wish for us to come and visit them, do a meet and greet and talk about different interesting topics, including the news about the features on our site as well as the sales channels before the tourist season begins.
The events are intended for all tourist agencies, property managers, and private owners in the Dalmatia area and beyond! 

The seminars will be educational and free for all employees and representatives of travel agencies, as well as Tourist Communities and private owners who wish to manage their private accommodation. Due to current portal restrictions on private accommodation owners, please be sure you have 5 or more active accommodation units. 

What will we talk about?

In the first half of the workshop, the BeeRent channel manager will be introduced, and our speakers will give you a few tips and tricks on how to easily and without stress manage all of your accommodation units in only one place! 

HomeAway speakers, that are coming from the UK, will present their portal and show you how to increase the visibility of your listing and create an amazing traveler experience!
HomeAway values their clients, and is focused on matching the right traveler with the right property on their very dynamic marketplace. They gain trust and offer security for the traveler by taking the reviews of guests and the research of their marketplace very seriously! Everything, from how qiuckly does the traveler find the right vacation rental and what is the process of booking, to what makes a good holiday experience for the guest, is researched to bring you the best possible result of renting accommodations. 
HomeAway offers you real numbers and facts by using scientific methods to analyse and do tests and in this way provides you with the most user-friendly website and the fastest booking process through instant bookings!

By connecting your HomeAway account to the BeeRent platform you can optimize your listings on only one platform - edit your photos, headlines, descriptions, amenities, prices and avalability - sit back, relax and let positive reviews flood your listings!
Find out more about the benefits of intergrading your HomeAway account with the BeeRent Channel Manager and how can we help you save time and widen your business. You have the chance to see real examples of how BeeRent and HomeAway, together, help their users from all over Europe and the whole world!

There will be a short break in the midst of the workshop with enough time for coffee or tea and a friendly exchange of thoughts and experiences between us. Feel free to prepare questions for us because at the end of the event all participants will have the opportunity to ask and talk to all the speakers at the seminar!

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to talk about important topics with us and the representatives of HomeAway by reserving your place at the seminar through a table that is consistent with GDPR for the protection of personal data.

In cooperation with the HomeAway group, BeeRent is organizing two seminars for renters and tourist agencies in Zadar and Split. With this application, select the seminar you want to attend and specify the number of people who are accompanying you. The seminars will take place in:

Click below to reserve your place on time - the number of attendants is limited!

Reserve Now!

Reservations are obligatory. 

We are looking forward to this great event and the chance to meet you!

The BeeRent team.