Get Automatic Payments with our BeeRent Pay Service!
We are pleased to announce that our current BeeRent Pay service for processing payments is upgraded, starting today.
After all our efforts to implement a new model for an easier, much faster & cheaper payment service, we are happy to share the great news - we did it!
BeeRent PAY now allows you to automatically charge your guests
Our automatic payment module eliminates the additional time needed when manually charging the guest. BeeRent users report a 100% increase in listings annually and 50 or more hours saved per week thanks to all of our features!
BeeRent Pay is a great feature that does everything in your stead, all that is left to do is dedicate yourself in creating a lovely experience for your guests.
Here's how the BeeRent Pay service will work from now on:
- The guest chooses one of your accommodation units on a sales channel (, HomeAway or Expedia), inserts their credit card information on that same sales channel, or using your direct website
- BeeRent Pay then allows you to automatically charge the guests credit card, based on the payment policy chosen
Looks easy? Well, that's because it is!
- No need to send an email
- No need for reminders to charge the guest the second time
- The guest feels safe & protected
How can you enable the new module?
Simple! If the subscription plan you use is Free or Premium, you will be able to use this updated service once BeeRent approves your request. Go to the APP's section in the BackOffice, install the BeeRent Pay service and follow our simple instructions. You will be informed as soon as your request is approved.
Don't waste any more of your valuable time - use this service that works & thinks instead of you
With the activation of the BeeRent Pay service you get total control over your payments and there are no more uncertain reservations, keep track of everything in real time. To learn about the BeeRent Pay commission and get in-depth information about the service visit this page.
We are proud to deliver again, this time with our new cooperation together with SIX Payment Services & WSPay.
The BeeRent team.